Grit of Character. Grace of Mind.

As a private, 男女同校的寄宿和走读, 大学预科学校,面向9-12年级学生和研究生, 365平台让年轻人充满智慧, 有成就和足智多谋的成年人,他们向学生灌输追求卓越的欲望,无论他们做什么. 学生们学会平衡勇气和优雅,能够扩大他们成功和充实生活的机会.

Our Community at a Glance

List of 4 items.

  • 425

    Students Enrolled
  • 75%

    Boarding Students
  • 5:1

    Student / Teacher Ratio
  • 15%

    International Students

Celebrating the Class of 2024


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995 Hopmeadow Street
Simsbury, Connecticut 06070

P. (860) 408-3000
F. (860) 408 3001
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